Sunday 19 January 2014

Homemade seaweed sausages

Fried seaweed pork sausages
Fried seaweed veggie sausages
I have always wanted to try to make homemade sausages. The biggest problem in getting it right was the need for sausage casing. I've never liked sausage casing and would typically remove the casing before frying or grilling the sausages. Carrageen Moss has fixed that problem. Due to its natural gelling properties I concluded that casing wouldn't be necessary and so it has transpired. I also added generous amounts of kelp and wakame for a real seaweed flavour. I decided to prepare two batches of sausages. The first batch being for traditional meat eaters followed by a separate seaweed veggie batch.

Seaweed Pork Sausages Ingredients:

Half kilo of pork shoulder and half kilo of pork loin (the original recipe I was following calls for equal amounts of shoulder and back but the only available back bacon in Polish shops was smoked so I took a risk on the leaner loin but it worked out just as well).

10g dried carrageen moss

10g mix of wakame and kelp

Spices: savory, sage, allspice, white pepper, Salt
Breadcrumbs (more or less 10% by weight)


Mincing the pork
Soak the wakame and kelp and leave to rehydrate.Boil the carrageen in a pot containing about a liter of water until half of the water has evaporated off. Strain out the remaining liquid. There will be enough for both batches of sausages. Mince the meat. Put the meat through the mincer a second time if you prefer finer mince. 
Remove the kelp and wakame from the water and put it through a food processor to cut it up into small pieces. Add about half of the seaweed and spices to the meat. Add some salt and about half of the carrageen liquid.
Mix in the breadcrumbs until you have a good consistency. Finally roll the meat into sausages. A fine layer of breadcrumbs over the rolling surface will keep the meat from sticking to it. The sausages are ready for frying, baking or grilling. If kept refrigerated these sausages will stay fresh for a few days.

Rolled seaweed pork sausages

Seaweed veggie suasage ingredients (click here for the original recipe):

350g peeled carrots
1 small onion
175g cheddar (I used both kinds finely chopped using a food processor)
Wakame and kelp finely chopped (also in the food processor)
220g breadcrumbs
Carrageen (the original recipe used a large egg instead)
2tbsp finely chopped parsley
2tbsp finely chopped sage
Flour for dusting

Rolled seaweed veggie sausages
The preparation of the seaweed veggie sausages is not dissimilar to the method described above for the seaweed pork sausages. Salt is not really needed because of the cheddar. I also added savory and allspice in addition to the parsley and sage. I found that the flour was very much needed in rolling the sausages.

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